Hello Friends!!!
E - Learning Management for our batch was started. It will help us to share our study materials for other friends. It is 24x7 service. Only the members of this blog can access these e-learning contents. Each and every users of our class will have their own User ID and Password for accessing these contents. The users are divided in four categories.
- Administrator
- Professor
- Class Representative
- Student
Administrator of E-Learning Management and Blog (G. Robinson)
Staffs of LIBA and Maveric Systems are categorized in this category. They have full access rights on files and folders. (Both Read and Write Permission) They are the only user group who have the full administration privileges on the files and folders which are uploaded and stored.
Class Representative:
Ms. Geethanjali and Mr. Vignesh are only two users who are categorized in this category. They have the access rights on files, but not on folders. This is a special category which help them to upload the study materials to this E-Learning Management.
Rest of the students of our class are categorized under this categories. They have only read permission for the files. They can download any materials. But, uploading permission for these users are closed. If users of this category needs the previlege of uploading the content, users may cantact "G.Robinson" at any time. The needful will be done immediately.
I hope this will help us lot...
robin how to get register and get usename and pass from ajaxexplorer? .